A few years ago when our kids were still under our care but living separate lives in different towns and at different schools and colleges we began planning a yearly vacation to get everyone together in one place so we could re-connect.
As time passed our kids met sweethearts and got married...
Then precious babies began to join the family...
And that old saying became very true for us...the days are long but the years are short.
Eight grandchildren later and we're still making time at the beginning of each summer for this family ritual....it's more important now than ever that we continue the tradition of yearly family gatherings to facilitate family bonding.
Time to share thoughts...
Time to play and have fun together...
Time to make discoveries and share the wonders of nature...
To eat together...
...and laugh together.
Time to make some fun memories that will keep everyone close when we
part to go home...
And I ask you, how else are the children going to get to know crazy Uncle Jordan and Auntie Sarah who live several states away?
Time. Yes, we need time.
But it is challenging to pull it all off once you grow from one family into five. How do you plan for a lot of people and do it for a reasonable budget with the work shared? I've been talking to friends to learn what they do and next time I'd like to share what we did.
Do you do a family vacation? If so, please share any tips you have for making it a good time. I'm still learning.