Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly!

Last time in this post I shared with you the good, the bad, and the ugly about the kitchen at Coast Awhile Cottage.  Next came what Jane Coslick called "the discovery phase" of  the renovation...and wow what we discovered!  

When we had our electrician come to move the panel box, it set in motion a whirlwind of unwelcome discoveries.  We learned that many of our circuits were overloaded---for instance, we could only work the range top if we didn't use the ovenAnd there were some damaged wires--live wires--behind the walls.  One unwelcome discovery led to another and before we knew it, we decided that, for safety reasons, the entire house needed to be rewired :-( 

Here is a picture of the kitchen after the "discovery phase".

Yep!  Everything had to be ripped out and unfortunately the cabinets fell apart in the process.  So we started over.  From scratch.  It was unavoidable.  Boo.Hoo.

Once all the wiring was redone according to code and we passed inspection, it was time to put things back together.  And that's what I'll share in my next post about 
Coast Awhile Cottage.


  1. NO WAIT !! that has the perfect porch and turquoise rattan I love! of course it sold quickly. It is adorable.. but still can't wait to see the rest of the remodel. Good job!

    1. I know--I love the rattan furniture too and Kirklands doesn't sell it anymore so I won't be able to get it for Doc Holiday:(
