Thursday, September 19, 2013

Exercise Your Right To Vote!

I went shopping yesterday for bedding and pillows for the second master bedroom at Doc Holiday.  The room wasn't really bad--it just wasn't really good.  I had used what was leftover from decorating other rooms.

So I went to Home Goods and Stein-Mart and bought two quilts, two large pillows, and two accent pillows.  Then I spent an afternoon playing with different combinations.  
Please take a look at these combinations and tell me 
which one is your favorite?

Look #1

 Look #2

 Look #3

Look #4

Look #5

The typography pillow in Look #5 is one I already had.  It's a little hard to read the print in the above photo so here's a close-up.

Look #5 (again)

 Which combination do you like best?  Or is there some other combination that you would use?  Please exercise your right to vote :) by leaving your choice in the comments.


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