Restoring Doc Holiday, our beach cottage, has been an adventure! Now that the demolition has been completed we're at the in-between stage--between demo and decorating. It's time to put in the inner workings, the wiring, plumbing, HVAC--the guts.
We've had some great contractors--Johnny Russell and his crew from Russell Electric have been on the job...
The wiring in the kitchen is in place--straight ahead will be a refrigerator and countertop with outlets. |
And Billy Doniel and his crew from Quality Plumbing have been hard at work...
Our washer-dryer connections are roughed in! I'm sure we'll have lots of towels to wash! |
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12 that the body is made up of many members and that they are all important...even the members that are unseen and we aren't conscious of are extremely important (think heart, lungs, etc.) and even the littlest parts matter (think how your whole body sympathizes when you drop something heavy on your big toe!) Even though these house parts (the "guts") will be covered up in the walls they are sooo important and if they function well we will probably take them for granted....but no guts, no glory!
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